Friday, January 22, 2010

Seeing my house in pictures, I want a do-over.

This is my kitchen and I can't decide whether to change out the cabinets, paint them, live with them. Change is hard.
Love Seltzer bottles.
family room, probably needs work!

old typewriter, gloves, hankie, and an old journal. my lame attempt at a vignette.
where did the snow go? Most days I'm at work and I don't know what the weather is doing outside. Once in a great while I'll step outside and I'm pleasantly surprised, then it's back to the windowless office. It's no wonder I'm so cranky!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So it's 2010, who would have thunk it? We also have a new baby, and he's very cute. It is amazing that babies are not here one day and then there they are the next. My daughter-in-law is now safely home and coping with her 12 yr old, 2 yr old, and now 6 day old. Remember sleeping, Christie? Maybe that will happen again one day. They were home before our big snow, but not before the big freeze. I have been so busy at work I haven't even had a chance to call my mother and inform her of the baby's birth. I am not going to be daughter of the year again this year.
I can not wait for the new little one's dad to come home from Iraq. I think he'll be here for two weeks and then have to return. How tough that would be. Sorry he missed the excitement of the birth but the two weeks at home should be wonderful.

I will be back to write more, after I repair my laptop. Blue screen of death! I haven't got the time to reformat the darn thing. If this was work I'd just say, buy another one. hey wait this is from work........but no, its up for repair as soon as I can get to it.