Some years ago, Mark and I lived in a two bedroom duplex in St Johns, a neighborhood of St Louis County, the street was W. Milton. We lived in the rear apartment which gave us access to the backyard
The only room we spent anytime decorating was the nursery which was for our much anticipated little boy. And no I did not really know he was going to be a boy, no ultrasound, we just knew. We painted a used crib a bright enameled chinese red. Then we took a upright chest of drawers, removed the top three drawers. Then using shutters we made doors, making the chest into an armoire of a sorts. This was also bright red. Mark and I read that babies liked bright colors!
I made a baby quilt, hung raggedy ann and andy on the wall. A sister-in-law made two pictures, one of a lion and one giraffe with red borders. The room was ready.
On February 19th, 1971 I went to bed early since I wasn't feeling well. I did not get to sleep till morning. I woke up with stomach cramps, feeling only sick. I never thought it was anything else. But the feeling didn't go away or let me go back to sleep. Around six A.M. I thought maybe I should wake up Mark. He immediately got us ready for the hospital. Did we call ahead? I don't know, I do remember the trip downtown to Jewish Hospital. I wondered if we were doing the right thing.
It was early and I was taken upstairs to the maternity floor. I tried to let people know I did not think I should be there yet. They weren't listening. Into a room that was small and only for laber. That's odd now, but there were labor rooms then. I just thought I was sick. Then the pains amped up and there was no doubt left. They gave me a shot that they called twilight, and it didn't take away the pains but they said I would forget. I made a consious effort not to forget becaus I thought it was so stupid not to ease the pain. Of course it's all a blurr to me know, I don't even know if Mark was allowed in there or not. I think he was.
Then off to delivery. My doctor didn't talk to me at all, he just kept talking about his landscaping and the trouble he was having getting his trees delivered. And not to me, only to the nurses. I felt like I was just a prop in the room. They didn't ask if I wanted any shot or if I was ok or anything. I hated that doctor. I think I finally said, "hey, I don't care about your yard, I'm having a baby here" They still didn't talk to me but they shut up. Oh wait, they did ask me if some students could watch the birth, I said "hell, no". So now they did not like me. I did not care, what a bunch of assholes.
So my baby was born, I held him and they wheeled us out and Mark was there. I'm glad I didn't realize he was just thinking that I had a baby that looked funny, with a big nose! I guess he never saw a new born baby before. Then they took the baby, and then I went to a recovery room. I guess i recovered and they took me to my room and I got to hold my baby. And I think that was when I fell in love with him. I thought he was beautiful. And I still do. So February 20, is the day of his birth and I thank God he was given to me. I would go back in time and do it all over again if I could, and with a lot less mistakes on my part, but I wouldn't change a thing about that baby or the man he has turned out to be. A mother could not be prouder of a son than I am with all my sons. Happy Birthday Major Brian, I love you.