Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
oops, I may have made a costly error
I have included some pictures of the beautiful Claire, and forgot. She is a professional model, and I may owe a hefty fee. What an absolute doll!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Playing with pictures.
btw the Rotus 8 is for sale
The Rotus 7 is for sale if anyone is interested. No it's a Rotus 8, based on a Lotus 7. I'm really not sure of the price. But I can get you the connection to my son. Also pictures.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
10 things about me
I was tagged to tell 10 things you may not know about me:
1. I was educated by nuns
2. I hated nuns
3. When I was 10 I traveled with Irish gypsies known as travellers.
4. By the age of eleven they dropped me back home because I couldn't clog.
5. At the age of twelve I made a living by singing at weddings
6. by twelve and one half the money people gave me to stop singing at their weddings began to taper off
7. At the age of fourteen, I was on television about 20 times.
8. At fourteen and a half we had to buy a new television that I could not climb on
9. At sixteen I could speak six lanquages, but I couldn't understand them.
10. At 18 I learned to clog.
really no one tagged me, I just felt compelled to share.
1. I was educated by nuns
2. I hated nuns
3. When I was 10 I traveled with Irish gypsies known as travellers.
4. By the age of eleven they dropped me back home because I couldn't clog.
5. At the age of twelve I made a living by singing at weddings
6. by twelve and one half the money people gave me to stop singing at their weddings began to taper off
7. At the age of fourteen, I was on television about 20 times.
8. At fourteen and a half we had to buy a new television that I could not climb on
9. At sixteen I could speak six lanquages, but I couldn't understand them.
10. At 18 I learned to clog.
really no one tagged me, I just felt compelled to share.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
stuck in Denver airport
our flight was cancelled so we are stuck here in Denver for about eight hours, too bad. But here is the advice I'm giving, if this happens to you. Go to the courtesy counter and ask for vouchers. We did and got two free tickets to fly next time, and 14.00 to spend for lunch. So it kind of sucks, but SCORE! It also helps to have a spouse with at&t global internet, I'm just sayin.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.
I went to this site and it proposes Tuesdays can be a day when you post about someone other than the fascinating me. I will tell a tale of my co worker, who is one of my best friends, ok..a workfriend but that is the only kind I've kept up with in life. (Another story) What the heck, he isn't one of my best friends, he's it. We've worked together for about seventeen years and he is like a younger brother. He is a people pleaser which drives me crazy but makes him a poplular fellow. Now we'll call him "Tim" he has been married for about I don't know 12-14 years. The girl he married has turned into a very unhappy person. She is a person that gets upset at the smallest thing, and just doesn't let it go, ever. Tom, I mean Tim is a joker, for example when his wife was getting stitched up after the birth of their first child he said to the dr. throw a couple of extra in there ok doc? Now granted not an appropriate time but 11 years later she is still mad. Well fast forward to Spring a couple of years ago, they aren't getting along, and he is drinking and gets into a bad wreck, now he has a bum leg. She went for a divorce but didn't go through with it, then she kicked him out during this Summer. On, & on, and who knows who is to blame, but he wanted back so Christmas she let him move back. Ok, why am I involved at all in someone elses marital problems? Well, #1 its kind of like a soap opera, and when he tells the stories they are funny and #2 our desks are butted up to each other so I'm like less than four feet away from him and about two feet away from his phone. So lately the wife has taken up yelling at him for a couple of hours when he is going to bed, I thought he was kind of crazy, and who just couldn't tell their spouse "enough, I have to work tomorrow, you're right, you're right about everything" So she calls him the next day to say she is sorry, and if he is not there she lets the phone ring about 30 times, till I get aggravated and pick up to tell her he is not here. Then she rings his cell which he leaves at his desk so the other guy that works here and I have to listen to that while she calls, and then calls again, and then again. Fun, huh?
Well the other day she calls, he tells her not now, I'm working and everyone is here close by. she hangs up then calls again in a fake friendly loud voice says " hi, are you having a great day? then other stuff, then she starts in on I'm sorry I yelled at you for so long last night (what do you know, he told it like it was) but you are not taking consideration of my feelings, and I'm trying to tell you with my words (yes, she actually said that) what I'm feeling, and my emotions have been .......................................................on, and on, for 30 minutes. Finally I started writing down what he should say to try to calm her down, and he read my lines and she would start in again. And I have got to tell you I was really trying to calm her down. I tried "ok, I know you are very upset, I'm sorry, we'll talk about it when I get home" "What can I do or say to make it better?" And other brilliant lines of B.S. and she just wouldn't shut up. Then I wrote for him to say " shut the f*** up you crazy b****. and fortunatly he held back. Finally, I yelled, hey the boss is coming our way, and she let it go.
So since its Tuesday I thought I would give you a glimpse into the life of someone other than myself, what do you think?
Well the other day she calls, he tells her not now, I'm working and everyone is here close by. she hangs up then calls again in a fake friendly loud voice says " hi, are you having a great day? then other stuff, then she starts in on I'm sorry I yelled at you for so long last night (what do you know, he told it like it was) but you are not taking consideration of my feelings, and I'm trying to tell you with my words (yes, she actually said that) what I'm feeling, and my emotions have been .......................................................on, and on, for 30 minutes. Finally I started writing down what he should say to try to calm her down, and he read my lines and she would start in again. And I have got to tell you I was really trying to calm her down. I tried "ok, I know you are very upset, I'm sorry, we'll talk about it when I get home" "What can I do or say to make it better?" And other brilliant lines of B.S. and she just wouldn't shut up. Then I wrote for him to say " shut the f*** up you crazy b****. and fortunatly he held back. Finally, I yelled, hey the boss is coming our way, and she let it go.
So since its Tuesday I thought I would give you a glimpse into the life of someone other than myself, what do you think?
Monday, February 16, 2009
We will be leaving for California on Wednesday. Looking forward to the trip to San Clemente. I haven't posted for a couple of days because I haven't had much going on here. Went to St Louis last week and visited two different Goodwills, on on Olive and bought a fire truck for one of the Grandkids, we were hyped so we went to an even better neighborhood's Goodwill. Well rich people give away crap. You wouldn't think they would waste time on garage sales or hoarding, but that goodwill had nothing good about it. Chesterfield, you should be ashamed, and more giving of good stuff. I see you guys buying and buying, do you never let any of that go? Think about it, and when you decide call me.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Caesar knew what he was doing, making February a short month. Good thinking on his part. I'm reading that a lot of bloggers are busy preparing for Valentines Day, making hearts with cupids and cards, and tags. Well that is all very nice, but what would make Valentines Day for me is for once being able to eat some of the boxes of candy women keep on their desk during this holiday. That is right, when we work on your computers we feel anything on the top of the desk is fair game. At least everything edible, or purchased by the hospital, like a pen or paperclip, maybe a stapler or two. But only if we are in need, we do not steal indescriminatly.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
St Louis Worlds Fair 1904
Thank-you to my mom for giving me these spoons she had from the 1904 Worlds Fair in St Louis. And no she didn't get them personally, but was given them from an aunt. And thank-you to my sisters and brother for not having any interest in anything from history, or the past, so I get all the good stuff! You guys rock!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Winter has come to Missouri
I know northern Missouri has already had its share of winter, but this is new to those of us in Southeast Missouri. We woke to ice and snow, but somehow managed to arrive at work early. Of course it helps to be driven in, and dropped off at the door by Mark. I took pictures to post and now I can't find my cable to attach to pc, so I will post those later. The pictures are for a certain granddaughter residing in Orange County, Calif. note to Claire: you poor thing, I know you have school today, and if you were here you would not. you could sleep late, then dress warm and take to the hills with a tobaggan or a saucer. You could fly down the hill in the back of our house, landing in a heap of snow and ice. The ice crystals could freeze on your gloves, incasing them in a layer of crust that would make the gloves stand on their own when you pulled them from your hand. Your face would be red from the excitement and probably the cold, but that's ok, cause for a while you wouldn't be able to feel your face anyway. And when your feet could not take anymore, you could come inside for some hot chocolate and marshmallows. Claire, I feel so bad for you. I mean you are at school today, and what then? you come home and what can you do? Go to the beach? Really? But you might get sand in your hair! And aren't you getting tired of all that warm weather? Come to Misery, I mean Missouri!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What is it about the man and his ego? I work with two guys in an office. Now they are both nice guys, nothing obviously wrong with their mental capacities. But when confronted with the opposite sex, (I don't count, I'm grandfathered in) they honestly believe these women are hitting on them. Before I get too far into this let me draw you a mental picture. One skinny, one not. People, we are talking average computer nerds. And ok, I'm right in there with them but we are not talking about me are we?
But let these two walk into an office with some attractive girls, they really, really think "Hi, we are so glad to see you" means "I want you" and not the true "where have you jerks been my computer hasn't been working for hours" When I get through scoffing at them they have actually said when a female puts their hair behind their ears when talking to you, it means she like you. Holy Mother! I have to remind you these guys are not in grade school, although that is their maturity level most times. These guys think that waitresses are really coming on to them, and not just working for tips. They are to be pitied.
I have been a witness to people actually coming on to someone. And you are right it wasn't me, but a friend in the hospital's business office. She is pretty, and blonde, and bombshell. Once when I was walking with her, I mentioned how I must look pretty good today cause all these guys are turning their heads to get another look at us! She just said "what?" And seriously she never even notices. Once one of the directors keep looking back at her while walking and ran right into a telephone pole. I don't think the girl has ever had to open a door on her own. She is hit on all the time, and is going through life just thinking "aren't people nice?"
So conclusion: if you think people are sending subliminal come-ons to you, it probably just isn't so.
But let these two walk into an office with some attractive girls, they really, really think "Hi, we are so glad to see you" means "I want you" and not the true "where have you jerks been my computer hasn't been working for hours" When I get through scoffing at them they have actually said when a female puts their hair behind their ears when talking to you, it means she like you. Holy Mother! I have to remind you these guys are not in grade school, although that is their maturity level most times. These guys think that waitresses are really coming on to them, and not just working for tips. They are to be pitied.
I have been a witness to people actually coming on to someone. And you are right it wasn't me, but a friend in the hospital's business office. She is pretty, and blonde, and bombshell. Once when I was walking with her, I mentioned how I must look pretty good today cause all these guys are turning their heads to get another look at us! She just said "what?" And seriously she never even notices. Once one of the directors keep looking back at her while walking and ran right into a telephone pole. I don't think the girl has ever had to open a door on her own. She is hit on all the time, and is going through life just thinking "aren't people nice?"
So conclusion: if you think people are sending subliminal come-ons to you, it probably just isn't so.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Saturday night
We are having a bit of a heat wave, it has reached a balmy 20 degrees today. Got to love that global warming! After the weekly visit to Lowes, where my peeps hang out, we went to Sams. I don't have a card mainly cause I do not subscribe to the idea of paying to shop. But I will say to hell with my scruples, and enter with someone else who does have a card. And to tell the truth I just don't get it, the prices of items didn't seem like such a good deal to me. At least not for a family that has dwindled down to two. Then we ran over to Walmart, and I found out where the majority of Capes population spends their Saturday. As we passed others that we knew, we could only shake our heads and repeat "what the hell were we thinking"
So back home we went, the wind blowing my coat straight back like supermans cape. Wow, that wind blows right through you. I'm not leaving the house again unless I really, really have to go. Like maybe a chocolate run or something. It was nice that my eldest son called, we don't hear from him all that often. And how great to hear how nice it was by the ocean, with the waves coming in and the kids playing in the surf. So after he hung up and I bundle up in a down comfortor, I was thinking maybe I should warm up by cleaning or by refinishing some furniture. But that comforter (is it comfortor, comforter?) well let's just say blanket, is so great, I think I'll just hibernate here for the day.
Tomorrow we travel to St Louis so Mark can visit his brother who has had a stroke. He is in a rehab facility, and we have every hope he'll recover. So we will visit with my second grandchild Abbey. She is little miss independent, and so funny to be around. And you know how some kids are climbers, well she is a great one. I think we'll have to start looking around for a climbing wall for her. When do the garage sales begin again?
So back home we went, the wind blowing my coat straight back like supermans cape. Wow, that wind blows right through you. I'm not leaving the house again unless I really, really have to go. Like maybe a chocolate run or something. It was nice that my eldest son called, we don't hear from him all that often. And how great to hear how nice it was by the ocean, with the waves coming in and the kids playing in the surf. So after he hung up and I bundle up in a down comfortor, I was thinking maybe I should warm up by cleaning or by refinishing some furniture. But that comforter (is it comfortor, comforter?) well let's just say blanket, is so great, I think I'll just hibernate here for the day.
Tomorrow we travel to St Louis so Mark can visit his brother who has had a stroke. He is in a rehab facility, and we have every hope he'll recover. So we will visit with my second grandchild Abbey. She is little miss independent, and so funny to be around. And you know how some kids are climbers, well she is a great one. I think we'll have to start looking around for a climbing wall for her. When do the garage sales begin again?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
January Blues
I've been listening to the blues at work, and it suits my mood. Now I love the blues any time but when you've been stuck in a room without windows, it's cold outside, and there are pc's to fix all around you, the blues seem right. Ruth Brown, Honeyboy Edwards, buddy guy, BB, Bonnie Raitt, they are all here keeping me company.
I have the feeling I am suppose to have done something but I can't remember what that something is. It's a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I don't believe I've promised anything I haven't delivered. Mostly cause I don't promise things. Can I blame everything on the fact that it is January? The only good thing that has ever happened in January is the birth of Ian Christopher, and while that was very good, it happened at the beginning of January. So it could have been the leftover good times from December. After the first week, it is pretty much downhill from there. February is better, but for some reason March sucks. I think cause it should be starting to be nice out but usually isn't. I believe if I used this time to regroup, redecorate, well just plain keep busy, I wouldn't be in such a pissy mood. But that is not happening. Last weekend Mark was gone, I was at home and I hardly accomplished a thing. Unless watching Monk on USA is a great accomplishment. I vow to do better, not a lot better but maybe a little better.
I have the feeling I am suppose to have done something but I can't remember what that something is. It's a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I don't believe I've promised anything I haven't delivered. Mostly cause I don't promise things. Can I blame everything on the fact that it is January? The only good thing that has ever happened in January is the birth of Ian Christopher, and while that was very good, it happened at the beginning of January. So it could have been the leftover good times from December. After the first week, it is pretty much downhill from there. February is better, but for some reason March sucks. I think cause it should be starting to be nice out but usually isn't. I believe if I used this time to regroup, redecorate, well just plain keep busy, I wouldn't be in such a pissy mood. But that is not happening. Last weekend Mark was gone, I was at home and I hardly accomplished a thing. Unless watching Monk on USA is a great accomplishment. I vow to do better, not a lot better but maybe a little better.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
80% off at Hobby Lobby

Sorry to Dave but I'm a slow learner, just don't get the concept of not spending any money. Especially at 80% off. Items are a little hard to see, but consist of large silver balls (about 8 of them) priced regular at 7.99 ea. A crown voltive candle holder, mercury like glass with purple insets, and a silver tinsel tree. The tree had candy canes on it but they pull off easily. Also about six silver icicles.
Also picked up some silver items at an auction this weekend along with a few other items. Example:

bought this picture today for 3.02, I've already painted the frame ivory which looks better but didn't take a picture of that.

My ambition
I had two antique booths at local antique stores. One changed ownership and I no longer felt a part of things so I moved out, the other had a great owner. She actually knew who I was, unlike previous stores owner. She had a monthy newsletter for her booth owners with information on what was wanted and some educational items. unfortunatly her husband was transferred and she had to give up her store. So I became storeless. All the goods came home with me, and I'm still collecting. What I want to do is sell at Antique Shows. That seems logical, as I have a full time job and do not want a full time booth again. I can find great Antique Shows in Texas, and of course the Northwest area seems to have wonderful shows. I even saw some for Kansas and West Missouri near Kansas. Now I live 100 miles south of St louis in Southeast Missouri, where are the St Louis shows? Are they out there? I saw one called Missouri Heritage, which seemed to have high end furniture. They sold a bench for over a thousand dollars? I've had benches I've sold for 30.00 so I'm not in their league. Does anybody out there know of any shows I could sign up for?
Monday, January 5, 2009
I've decided I have too much brown in my house. As in wood furniture, everything is wood. I don't know why but all of a sudden this bothers me. Maybe cause it is winter and I need light, but I'm debating on what to change. And should I get rid of the red in the kitchen? Wait I can't cause I have red chairs, slipcovers maybe? I don't know. I'm thinking change is in the air.
Monday, December 29, 2008

The weekend after Christmas day the decorations went down. The trees are packed away and the room is back to normal status. I love the decorations and usually wait until the weekend after the new year to take everything down. This year I couldn't wait to pack it all up.

One of my favorite gifts this year was a picture of my Mom & Dad. Christie, Ians hair just might have come from our side of the family! Mom was still in her teens here and I believe my Dad was about 11 years older than her.
Labels: decorations done
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas decorations at our house
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Our December Cruise
The wildlife abundant.
And oh my gosh, the views were beautiful.
This is the west end where Mark went diving and we both snorkeled.
Can you just see how peaceful and beautiful? This is Belize, or an island right off of Belize City, so pretty! Then we went to Cozumel and it was a little cold, maybe in the 70's so we didn't snorkel, at least I didn't, but Mark dove off the side of a street into the ocean and played. I wasn't with him so I didn't get pictures. A storm was coming and the sea was rater rough, I went back to the boat. We couldn't tender off of Bermuda, so the ship's next stop was Key West.
I thought this was a good picture, I liked the bricks and the painters pallette with the almost started pictures. I snapped a shot of it and the artist yelled at me for taking the picture. Really? What the hell was he afraid of? It was on a public sidewalk and the pallette is more interesting than the picture.
I was taking pictures of everything that caught my eye, like the brick sidewalk on the way to the southern most point of the United States.
Peoples houses that caught my eye.
And because he was such an ass, the finished pictures of the artist. Does he think I'll go home and mass produce his oh so very original art? A beach chair on the beach, and an island on the ocean, you're breaking new ground there Da Vinci!!!! So go ahead and copy these if you feel the need, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
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