Friday, May 7, 2010


Good News, the Major has returned to the Continental States. He will spend some time getting paperwork signed and leaving his last... last what? I do not know the military terms, so let's just say location. He is due at the next location May 28th. so that means driving a car from L.A. to Missouri, meeting up with his family here, getting everything moved from here, and driving the three vehicles up to New York. I think Long Island. Ok, one will probably get left here and then maybe we can visit later on this summer and drive it up. I don't know how else they will do it. But I have convinced M to wait until we are asked to do something. I think when volunteering, people assume it's something you want to do for yourself, and not that you are doing it for them. Ok, not visiting the Grandkids, that is something we want to do. Anyway, I'm glad he is back and their family is once again whole.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

so I lied about finishing something, but I'm not dead yet! Oh, speaking of dead, there was an obituary in our newspaper that was, well, quite remarkable. Since it was in a public newspaper I can copy it can't I? didn't hear a no. I don't know if I wish I would have known her or kind of glad I did not. But I'm thinking she had fun, and friends, and that is a good life.

Anyway here it is with the names sort of xx'd out.

Debby Lynn xxxx of Cape Girardeau was sent to us Oct. 1, 1964, and danced her way into heaven April 25, 2010.

We would like to thank the staff at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, where she received extraordinary care from her medical team. We adore each of them and will remain forever grateful for their kindness.

She was preceded in death by maternal grandparents, Bill and Ella xxx of Olive Branch, Ill., and her father, Jim xxx of Fort Worth, Texas.

The remainder of her story is written with the irreverent affinity and mischievous zest she had for life. She loved to laugh and wasn't afraid to pepper a salty word to elicit a desired response. If you don't share her appreciation of laughter at the expense of etiquette and decorum, read no further. She made no apologies, and neither will we.

Debby Lynn packed many loves and tragedies into her short 45 years. During her life she excelled at mediocrity. She could do anything she wanted ... she just chose not to! She was wickedly funny with a penchant for storytelling. Her vivid and imaginative tall tales were usually combined pieces of personal experience with outlandish redneck wisdom. She was a living contradiction; part truth and part fiction. Most stories, both real and humorous, began with "You ain't gonna believe this s---."

Debby Lynn loved the limelight and was a master communicator via phone, e-mail, even broadcast radio. Her redneck character-driven calls earned her a recurring radio role in Cape Girardeau as "Hilda the Hen" and the voice of Circle S Saddle. She also worked with Apple Orthodontics in Fort Worth.

She loved to be "in the know" at the center of gossip, conflict or tragedy. One of her favorite lines was "If you don't have anything nice to say ... come sit by me!" She had a knack for "stirring the pot" for comedic effect or choosing to escalate a tense situation to get a reaction. She was equally clever at extinguishing a fire she helped to stoke. We believe Debby Lynn delighted in the resolution and redemption that comes after a "knock down drag out fight" with the ones you love.

Debby Lynn's story would be incomplete without the mention of her husband of 20 years, Joe. He was her reserved counterpart to her over the top "bossy" personality but his commitment was unwavering. Debby Lynn's physical deterioration did not effect her ability to throw verbal jabs. Joe maintained courage under verbal fire, exercising saintly restraint. His patience and selflessness is truly appreciated by the entire family.

Debby Lynn loved the Lord; husband, Joe xx; daughter, Ashley Nicole XXXXX; granddaughter, Kaysen Ashley; mother, Carole XXXX; sisters, Toni Kay XXX, Lisa Dianne XXX, Becky Ann XXX, Shelly Pooh XXX; and her sisters many boyfriends; ex-husbands; current brothers-in-law; two nephews, Brandon XX and Garrett OOO (they were both born in a manger and swaddled at birth); a niece, Kaci Jo XX; great-nephew, Colter James Dean XX; great-niece, Ella XXX; family; friends; dogs; cats; music and life.

Debby Lynn's wishes ...
1. In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to an educational fund for her granddaughter, Kaysen Ashley. Send to Debby Lynn Gross Memorial Fund, Frost Bank, Fort Worth, Texas.

2. Forgo the bad organ music and somber routine. Let's raise a glass, deliver our best jokes, tell some stories, stir it up and laugh. She expects old-fashioned home cookin' funeral food! If you try to sneak Boston Market brown gravy or KFC powdered potatoes into the party, we will hurt you.

Also, please don't ask us when you can pick up your covered dishes. We're keeping them! Dates are encouraged as long as you are not too closely related. Two drink minimum, smoke 'em if ya got 'em ...

3. Never miss the chance to dance.

so that's it, pretty great, right? I especially like her sisters boyfriends and exhusbands!