Good News, the Major has returned to the Continental States. He will spend some time getting paperwork signed and leaving his last... last what? I do not know the military terms, so let's just say location. He is due at the next location May 28th. so that means driving a car from L.A. to Missouri, meeting up with his family here, getting everything moved from here, and driving the three vehicles up to New York. I think Long Island. Ok, one will probably get left here and then maybe we can visit later on this summer and drive it up. I don't know how else they will do it. But I have convinced M to wait until we are asked to do something. I think when volunteering, people assume it's something you want to do for yourself, and not that you are doing it for them. Ok, not visiting the Grandkids, that is something we want to do. Anyway, I'm glad he is back and their family is once again whole.