Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It's summertime in Missouri. The weather hasn't been so bad, which leaves me to believe bad times are coming. I'm like the abused wife that if things are good, I'm waiting for the punch. But I'm not an abused wife, at all. I knew an abused wife when I was in my twenties. And I was so compassionate, that I think I may have actually said "what is wrong with you that you would put up with that?" Totally understanding, that's me. But still.... Anyway I finally got rid of a coworker that did not. work that is. And I like the replacement, he's great. And I'll get an extra worker in a few weeks and I'm betting right now he'll be a jerk. See, I'm always waiting for the bad. Could he be another good worker, not need his ego feed, cooperative, not a know it all? Probably not.